① For the safe protection of personal information, we are operating major systems and facilities with certified information protection management systems by an objective certification body.
② The Company implemented required processes to access personal information and to manage and ensure the employees are aware of and follow the processes.
③ The Company shall minimize the number of persons authorized to access personal information on customers as follows.
a. Those who conduct direct marketing activities toward users
b. Those who manage personal information including Privacy Supervisor and Privacy Personnel
c. Those who are obligated to handle personal information due to business
④ The Company implemented required processes to access personal information and to manage and ensure the employees are aware of and follow the processes, and holds regular company training and outsourced training for employees who deal with personal information to acquire new security technology and methods of protecting personal information.
⑤ Transferring duties and responsibilities between people who handles personal information is performed thoroughly while security is maintained. We clarify where the responsibility lies for personal information accidents after employees leave the company or join the Company.
⑥ The computer room and data storage room are set as special protected areas to control access.
⑦ When processing a customer’s personal information using a computer, a person with access to the personal information is designated and assigned an identification code (ID) and password, and the password is regularly updated.
⑧ The company prevents information leakage by employees in advance by requiring new employees to sign the Privacy Protection Pledge when hiring, and establishes and constantly implements internal procedures to audit the implementation of personal information processing policies and compliance with employees.
⑨ The company prevents the person who handled the customer’s personal information from compromising, infringing, or divulging the personal information by requiring them to sign the Privacy Protection Pledge when they retire.
⑩ The Company check the customer’s identity when collecting or providing payment information such as credit card numbers and bank settlement accounts for the purpose of signing service contracts and providing services.
⑪ The company is not responsible for accidents or events caused by a user’s personal mistake or basic internet risk. Each member should appropriately manage own ID and password and be responsible for it for personal information protection. Also, it is recommended to avoid using an easy password that others might be able to guess and to change the password regularly.
⑫ When you want to stop using our service while you are logged in to our website on a shared PC, make sure that you have logged out and close the webpage before moving to another website. Otherwise, information such as e-mail and password can be easily leaked to others through the browser.
⑬ In other cases of personal information loss, disclosure, falsification and damage due to a mistake by an internal managing staff or a technological management accident, the Company will inform you instantly and look for appropriate response and compensation method.