Service Manager

A New Approach Strategy for External Collaboration

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[Release] Wrapsody eCo v2.3
Jan 17, 2022


Hello, we are Wrapsody eCo dev, providing a secure collaboration platform.


In eCo version 2.3, the following features will be provided:

Folders within a workgroup
You can now create and manage folders within a workgroup. Manipulating folders will allow you to manage documents more efficiently.
Web Preview Feature Improvement Web preview feature had contraints to support only MS Office documents, but it now supports AutoCAD (DWG extension) as well as Hangul (HWP) files. Additionally, an image file preview is available.
Limiting view counts and view period per document You can now limit the duration and number of times a document can be viewed. By setting a limit on the duration and number of views for important documents, you can resolve additional security issues.
Client Auto-update Feature An automatic update function has been added to keep the PC client updated to its latest version. You no longer have to go through the hassle of reinstalling the latest client to experience new features.
Enhanced chat features within a workgroup Chat feature that were exclusive to Web client is now extended to Mobile. You can install the app “Fasoo Fireside” from both Android Play Store and Apple App Store.

  • This feature is provided for a fee.
  • This feature is available after the Wrapdy eCo 2.3 upgrade.


Please note that this may cause the Wrapsody eCo service to be suspended temporarily.

– Scheduled work date: February 3, 2022 19:00 to 20:00
– Duration: 10 minutes

Thank you.

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